Korean Drama Quotes

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I really don’t get why they all run around obsessing over a guy like you. -GyuWon #Heartstrings

You’re good looking and popular, so you think you’re pretty great, right? -GyuWon #Heartstrings

It doesn’t matter who you like, because I don’t care at all. So, you too..should stop caring about me. -LeeShin #Heartstrings

What’s with you? You judge a person by their appearance and crush them. You think you’re that cool? -GyuWon #Heartstrings

Don’t give up liking me. -LeeShin #Heartstrings

Living as a god is a hungry thing. -JoonHee #Heartstrings

It’s not good for a youngster to like taking the taxi too much. -GyuWon’s Grandpa #Heartstrings

Someone so mean, ruse and distasteful, I don’t know why they like you. There is something wrong with their eyes. -GyuWon #Heartstrings

Even if you have no interest, if an elder is talking you should listen. -SukHyun #Heartstrings

So, what if I want to do it? Once I get onto the stage I’m terrified, so what if I want to do it? -JiYoung #Heartstrings

Until there was you, I wandered aimlessly. For a long time, like a little child, I will cry in anticipation of you. -JoonHee #Heartstrings

For me, it’s more important that you’re neither hurt nor sad. Nothing else matters. -LeeShin #Heartstrings

Watching you perform happily..is more important for me. -LeeShin#Heartstrings

Don’t secretly look after me in the studio. Don’t wait for me till late at night either. -YooSoo #Heartstrings

If I ate my meal, if my leg hurts, don’t worry. Don’t do anything. Like someone that suits you, a young girl. -YoonSoo #Heartstrings

It’s good to have a big dream. Even if your dream is shattered, the shattered pieces are still big. -LeeShin #Heartstrings

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